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NASU, SSANU To Picket Strategic Government Offices In Abuja Over Demands

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As members of the Non Aca­demic Staff Union of Universi­ties (NASU) and the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Univer­sities (SSANU) make good their threat to embark on a nation­wide warning strike across the country on Tuesday, the unions have vowed to storm Abuja on July 18 for a full blown strike.

The unions said all branch leaders and members will storm the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja, to picket strategic offices and offices identified as responsible for foot dragging on the payment of members’ with­held salary arrears.

The aggrieved members of the unions are demanding the payment of outstanding salary arrears owed to their members, and have vowed not to back down until their demands are met.

The warning protest para­lysed activities in the nation’s universities, especially those owned by the Federal Govern­ment, over the non-payment of their four and a half months salaries withheld by the gov­ernment.

In an interview with Daily Independent at the main gate of the University of Lagos (UNI­LAG), where members staged the protest, the National Vice President, West, SSANU, Dr. Abdussobur Salaam, said the next stage of the protest would be picketing some government offices in Abuja, suspected to be involved in holding tight to their salaries.

He said, “There will be a na­tional protest and picketing on strategic areas of government that are sitting on our money and those that do not allow us to breathe.

Thereafter, if that also does not yield any result, we shall take decision, but I can tell you that it will be almost nothing less than a full blown indefinite and total strike.”

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