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US Embassy Representative Embarks On Assessment Tour of OIBN Headquarters In Ila-Orangun, Pays Homage To Paramount Ruler of Ancient Town

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On Monday, the Commercial Section of the United States Embassy in Nigeria embarked on an assessment tour of the Orisun Igbomina Broadcasting Network(OIBN)construction site in Osun State, a project aimed at enhancing media infrastructure and promoting free press in Nigeria.

Mr. Blessed Nosa, an official of the US Embassy, inspected the construction site on Oke-Irorun hill in Ila-Orangun town, engaging with executives, staff and project stakeholders, while assessing the progress made so far by the multimedia platform.

The tour demonstrated the Embassy’s support for initiatives promoting media freedom, independence, and professional development in Nigeria.

OIBN headquarters, upon completion, will serve as a state-of-the-art broadcasting facility, providing a platform for diverse perspectives and fostering informed discourse. This project aligns with the US Embassy’s objectives of strengthening democratic institutions and promoting economic growth in Nigeria.

“We are impressed with the progress made on this critical project,” said Nosa, representative of the US Embassy.

Furthermore, the agent stopped over at the palace of the Orangun of Ila-Orangun, HRM Oba Abdulwahab Oyedotun (Bibiire 1)to pay the revered royal father homage.

He was received warmly by the monarch.

During the visit, the Orangun expressed his delight at the progress made on the OIBN multimedia facility, which he described as a significant milestone in the development of the ancient town.

He praised the team for their hard work and dedication, saying, “This project will not only enhance media infrastructure but also provide a platform for our people to share their stories and showcase our rich cultural heritage.”

The assessment tour reinforces the partnership between the US Embassy and news platforms, fostering a shared commitment to advancing media freedom and contributing to Nigeria’s democratic growth.

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